Discover the secret to powerful, effective communication.

Using clear language, easy to learn concepts and real-world examples, we help you understand different personalities and behaviour styles so you can communicate more effectively.

Our Team

We’re a team of communication experts who love helping people understand how they think and behave, and how they can better interact with others. Together, we have taught effective communication to businesses and teams for more than 25 years. 

Vanessa Green

Founder & Facilitator

Learners Say:Vanessa is fantastic at keeping all of us involved and interested. She shared so many stories and examples from experience which we could relate to and inspired us to put everything we learnt into practice. I left so excited about my next interaction with clients.

Bachelor of Nursing (BN) New Zealand Registered Nurse (NZRN) NZ Certificate in Adult and Teaching

Debi Higson

Master Certified Facilitator

Learners Say:Debi is brilliant at engaging everyone, she gives even the shy people confidence and time to speak up. She explains thing so clearly, and has great sense of humour to you learn, interact, and laugh with everyone. She is a truly incredible trainer.

Post Grad Cert Management in Public Sector Leadership NZ Certificate in Adult and Teaching Accredited Mental Health First Aid Certified TMSDI

Carley Nicholson

Certified Facilitator

Learners Say:Carley is engaging, enjoyable, so knowledgeable I could listen and pick her brain all day! She is super positive and full of energy. She delivered a fantastic course that was informative and useful for us all.

Bachelor of Business Studies – Marketing / Management Certificate in Business Coaching NZ Certificate in Adult and Teaching Post Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management Accredited Resilience Coach

Warren Green


Learners Say:Working in General Management/Director roles, and as a Business Owner in several industry sectors including construction, advertising, retail, and project management, Warren brings valuable business experience, knowledge, and capability to our team.

Licensed Building Practitioner (LBP) Member New Zealand Institute of Directors Member of Project Mg Institute

Jessica Chapman

Sales Manager

Learners Say:Knowing how to understand different people’s preferences, and how to flex my own communication style, enables me to speak their language in a way they like to receive information, contributing to my ability to build positive relationships.

Bachelor of Agriculture and Business (BAG) Puzzle People Facilitator


Insights to self

Discover why you like to communicate, behave and show up in the world. You will have many ‘light bulb’ moments as you realise how different this is to the other styles and how other people may perceive you.

Insights to others

Learn how others prefer to behave and communicate, how to recognise these differences, and how to adapt to better relate, value or support them, earn their trust or motivate action.

Effective communication

Develop confidence dealing with different people and learn how to dial up or dial down your communication style to positively change relationships or outcomes at work and in life.

Higher performing teams

Creating a common language within teams, revealing insights into people’s differences or similarities to build understanding, improve relationships, connect teams, reduce conflict and achieve more.

Persuasive sales

The best communicator in the room builds trusted relationships, relates to more people, appeals to the hearts and minds of many, can convert that elusive customer, has greater influence to ultimately win more deals.

Business productivity

Radically change outcomes by breaking down silos within organisations, prevent miscommunication, connect and engage people to collaborate build teams and get work done.

Reduce conflict

Stop offending others or being mis-understood by learning how to change the way you respond and relate to different people or situations to drive different outcomes.


Do you run workshops online or face-to-face?

We offer in-house workshops anywhere in New Zealand for teams or larger groups. We recommend 12 people or more in our workshops and can present at conferences or events.
 We also have a virtual classroom option for small groups or teams of 10 people.

Enquire with us
How can I help you?

Puzzle People helps you understand different personalities and shows how you can improve the way you communicate to build more productive, effective relationships at work and in life.

How many people can I have on a workshop or virtual class?


Between 12 and 20 work well for face-to-face workshops. We present to larger groups at company conferences, events, fundraisers etc. Virtual classes via zoom are limited to 10 per session.

How long do I have access to the eLearning modules?


Access to the Puzzle People Complete and Introduction courses is 1 month.

Do I have to complete all modules in one go?

The modules are designed for you to complete in your time, at your pace so that you can learn in bite size sections. You can go back into your eLearn and pick up from where you left off.

Why choose Puzzle People?

- Easy to learn, fun and memorable - You can use this communication superpower immediately at work, home and life - We focus on what different styles prefer and on how you can dial up or down to be the best communicator in the room - We create many ‘ah-hah’ moments for people; you will get to see yourself and others with a new perspective - We empower you and your team

How do I find out about face-to-face workshops?

We have a New Zealand-based team ready to talk directly with you to understand what might work for your team or business.